Title: “Scream of Environment”
Type of exchange: youth exchange within ERASMUS+
Period: February 18-272023
Place: İstanbul / Turkey
Program participant fee: 1400 UAH (except for active members of the organization)
Application deadline: October 23, 2022 inclusive
Project Description The project aims to highlight concepts such as afforestation, soil protection, the importance of water resources, combating climate change, protecting nature, raising awareness of biodiversity, recycling and advocating against the destruction of natural assets. It is necessary to move to environmentally friendly urban forms that emphasize the connection between nature and man. To this end, while research is being done on the positive or negative effects of environmental pollution, waste, energy use, and the use of other resources, more research should be done on awareness of human-originated environmental problems.
1. Free accommodation and meals, cultural programs.
2. This youth exchange takes place within the framework of ERASMUS +, so the participants are reimbursed (returned after the exchange) for the cost of the travel within the program limit.
3. After the youth exchange, each participant will receive a non-formal education certificate from the European Youth Commission (YouthPass).
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: age 18-30 years old, knowledge of English at a hard conversational level and the best, a valid passport at the time of application, interest in the exchange topic, communication skills, openness, willingness to become an active member of the group and adequately represent Ukraine at an international event. Details https://bit.ly/3S7hmcw
TO APPLY, fill out the application form at the following link https://forms.gle/LYXrL5yrUqxXqSqh9
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